Uncontested Divorce in Michigan


Divorce, a term associated with the legal dissolution of marriage, is a multifaceted and complex process that necessitates clear understanding and careful navigation. The course this process takes can drastically differ depending on whether the divorce is contested or uncontested. This article, titled “The Fork in the Road: Choosing Between Contested and Uncontested Divorce in Michigan,” aims to shed light on these two divergent paths that a divorcing couple may tread.

Understanding the difference between contested and uncontested divorce is paramount for anyone facing this challenging life event. It’s not just a legal concern but also a personal, financial, and often emotional one. The choice between a contested or uncontested divorce will impact the duration and cost of the divorce proceedings and the long-term well-being of the involved parties. It can shape the contours of post-divorce life, influencing everything from financial stability to relationships with children and co-parenting dynamics.

In this article, we will embark on an informative journey exploring the intricacies of contested and uncontested divorces within the legal landscape of Michigan. We will delve into the specifics of each type of divorce, the circumstances that make a divorce contested or uncontested, and the processes that unfold. The article will highlight the pros and cons of both types, their impact on all parties involved, and provide insights into making the choice that best fits your situation. The goal is to arm you with the necessary knowledge to navigate this challenging crossroads confidently and clearly.

Understanding Divorce

A. General definition and explanation of divorce

Black’s Law Dictionary defines divorce as the “legal termination of a marriage by a court in a legal proceeding.” Simply put, it marks the formal end of a marriage, freeing both parties to remarry if they choose. It’s not just about the dissolution of the marital union; it’s also about the division of assets, debts, child custody, and spousal support.

According to the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, in 2020, the divorce rate in Michigan was approximately 2.8 per 1,000 people, pointing to the reality that many marriages, unfortunately, end this way.


B. The emotional and legal implications of a divorce

Divorce, in many cases, comes with an emotional roller coaster. “Many people experience feelings of loss, failure, regret, and loneliness,” says Dr. Laura Johnson, a well-known psychologist in Michigan. The end of a marriage can lead to a grieving process similar to mourning the death of a loved one.

Legally, divorce can be a complex process. It involves numerous legal considerations, such as the distribution of marital property and debts, determination of child custody, parenting time, child support, and possibly spousal support (alimony). Michigan, a no-fault divorce state, allows for divorce without the necessity of proving wrongdoing on the part of either spouse (Michigan Compiled Laws Section 552.6). However, the court may consider the fault in making other decisions, such as property distribution or spousal support.

C. Brief introduction to the types of divorce (Contested and Uncontested)

Uncontested Divorce vs contested divorce


Divorces can broadly be classified into two categories: Contested and Uncontested.

  1. Contested Divorce: A contested divorce occurs when the divorcing spouses disagree on one or several issues related to their divorce – this could be the divorce itself or divorce-related matters like property division, child custody, or spousal support. These divorces tend to be more complex, requiring court interventions to resolve disagreements, leading to a long and often more expensive process.
  2. Uncontested Divorce: An uncontested divorce, on the other hand, occurs when the spouses agree on all the terms of their divorce, including child custody, property division, and spousal support. It’s generally quicker and less expensive than a contested divorce, as it doesn’t require prolonged court battles. As per Michigan Court Rule 3.210 (A)(2), uncontested divorce proceedings can often be concluded without a court trial.

Understanding these two types of divorces is crucial, as the type you undergo can significantly impact the emotional strain, cost, and time consumed by the divorce process.[/column]

Contested Divorce in Michigan


A. Detailed explanation of contested divorce

As the name suggests, a contested divorce arises when spouses can’t agree on one or several divorce-related matters, such as child custody, spousal support, or division of marital assets and debts. These disagreements make the process significantly more complex, as they require intervention from a court to resolve.

“Contested divorces tend to be far more emotionally charged,” says Attorney John Davis, a leading family lawyer in Michigan. “The disputes go beyond the marriage’s dissolution and often entail lengthy battles over shared assets, finances, and more importantly, the futures of children involved.”

B. When a divorce becomes contested

A divorce becomes contested when the spouses cannot agree on one or more issues related to the divorce. These disagreements typically involve the following areas:

  1. Divorce Itself: One spouse may disagree with the divorce altogether, wanting instead to work towards reconciliation or marriage counseling.
  2. Child Custody and Parenting Time: Disagreements often arise over who will have legal and physical custody of the children and the scheduling of parenting time for the non-custodial parent.
  3. Division of Assets and Debts: Disputes may occur over equitably dividing marital assets (like homes, cars, and retirement accounts) and liabilities (like mortgages, credit card debt, and loans).
  4. Spousal Support: If one spouse requests spousal support (alimony), the other spouse might disagree with the amount requested, the duration of payments, or even the need for such support in the first place.
  5. Child Support: There might be disagreements over the amount of child support to be paid, often related to disputes over the income of each spouse or the needs of the child(ren).

When any of these issues remain unresolved after attempts to negotiate or mediate, the divorce is considered contested, and the courts must intervene to make decisions.

C. The process of a contested divorce in Michigan

Here’s the step-by-step process of a contested divorce in Michigan, along with relevant Michigan laws or court rules:

Step 1: Filing the Divorce Complaint

The initiating spouse, the plaintiff, files a Complaint for Divorce in their county’s circuit court. This document outlines the basics of the marriage and what the plaintiff is seeking from the divorce (Michigan Court Rule 3.206).

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Step 2: Serving the Divorce Complaint

The divorce complaint and summons must be served to the other spouse, the defendant. This can be completed via a process server or a sheriff’s deputy. Under Michigan law, the defendant has 21 days if served personally or 28 days if served by mail or out of state to respond (Michigan Court Rule 2.107).

Step 3: Defendant’s Answer

The defendant can agree with the complaint or contest it. If they choose to contest any issue, they must file an Answer with the court, detailing their stance on the matters listed in the complaint (Michigan Court Rule 2.110).

Step 4: Temporary Orders

Either spouse may request temporary orders from the court regarding matters like child custody, child support, spousal support, or property control. These temporary orders stay in effect until the final divorce hearing (Michigan Court Rule 3.207).

Step 5: Discovery

In the discovery phase, both parties collect and exchange information to support their case. This process may involve interrogatories, depositions, subpoenas, and the collection and exchange of financial and other relevant documents (Michigan Court Rule 2.301 – 2.316).

Step 6: Settlement Negotiations and Mediation

Both parties may attempt to resolve their differences through negotiation or mediation, avoiding the need for a trial (Michigan Court Rule 2.410).

Step 7: Pre-Trial Hearing

If no agreement is reached, a pre-trial hearing is conducted where the judge reviews the case, identifies what issues are in dispute, and offers instructions for the trial. The judge may also encourage the parties to settle (Michigan Court Rule 2.401).

Step 8: Trial

If the dispute remains unresolved, the case goes to trial. Each party presents its arguments, evidence, and witnesses for cross-examination (Michigan Court Rule 2.507).

Step 9: Judgment

Following the trial, the judge will issue a Judgment of Divorce. This document provides the court’s decision on all disputed issues and outlines the divorce terms (Michigan Court Rule 3.210).

Step 10: Post-Judgment Motions or Appeals

If either party is unsatisfied with the court’s decision, they may file post-judgment motions or an appeal to a higher court (Michigan Court Rule 7.201 – 7.215).

Please note that contested divorces can be complex and emotionally draining, often requiring the guidance of experienced legal counsel to navigate the process and protect your interests.

D. Pros and Cons of a contested divorce



  1. Fair outcome: A contested divorce might be necessary if one party feels they are being treated unfairly, especially in cases involving hidden assets or income, where a spouse might try to conceal these from the other party.
  2. Protection of rights: If there are disagreements over critical issues like child custody or spousal support, a contested divorce allows each spouse to present their case, ensuring their rights are protected.


  1. Time-consuming: Contested divorces often require more time due to court hearings, discovery processes, and trials.
  2. Expensive: The extended legal proceedings in a contested divorce usually translate to higher attorney fees and court costs.
  3. Emotionally draining: The adversarial nature of contested divorces can increase stress and tension between the parties, exacerbating emotional hardship.

E. Case Study/Real-life Example of a Contested Divorce

Let’s take a real-life scenario involving a Michigan couple, Lisa and Mark, to preserve their privacy. Lisa and Mark married over a decade, with three kids and substantial shared assets. Mark, a successful business owner, earned significantly more than Lisa, a part-time social worker.

When Lisa filed for divorce, citing irreconcilable differences, the proceedings quickly became contested due to disagreements about child custody, asset division, and spousal support. Due to his flexible work hours, Mark proposed he should have primary physical custody of the children. Lisa, however, contested this, asserting that her part-time job allowed her more time and flexibility to care for the children.

The division of assets presented another contentious issue. The couple owned several properties, including a lucrative rental property that Mark insisted was his since it was purchased using profits from his business. Lisa argued that since the property was acquired during the marriage, it should be considered a marital asset and divided equitably.

Mark also disagreed with Lisa’s request for spousal support, arguing that Lisa could support herself. Lisa’s legal team, however, presented a case for spousal support, highlighting the significant income disparity and Lisa’s sacrifices for Mark’s business and their children.

Given these disagreements, the divorce proceedings went to trial. The court had to intervene to decide on child custody, the division of the rental property, and the issue of spousal support. This drawn-out, contested process added stress, cost, and complexity to their divorce, illustrating the challenges of contested divorces.


Uncontested Divorce in Michigan


A. Detailed explanation of uncontested divorce

An uncontested divorce is when both spouses agree on all divorce terms, including division of property, child custody and visitation, child support, and alimony. Uncontested divorces tend to be less adversarial, faster, and less expensive than contested divorces.

“Uncontested divorces represent the more amicable side of divorce proceedings,” says Family Law Attorney Karen Daley. “While they’re not devoid of emotional strain, they generally lead to smoother transitions and lesser legal fees.”

B. When a divorce is considered uncontested

A divorce is considered uncontested in the following scenarios:

  1. Mutual Agreement to Divorce: Both spouses agree to end their marriage and decide to move forward with the divorce.
  2. Agreement on All Key Issues: Both spouses agree on all the critical issues involved in their divorce, such as the division of property and debts, child custody and parenting time, child support, and spousal support (alimony).
  3. No Contest from the Other Spouse: The respondent (the spouse who did not initiate the divorce) does not file a response to the divorce papers, essentially offering no contest to the divorce.
  4. Submission of a Settlement Agreement: Both spouses submit a detailed agreement, often known as a marital settlement agreement or property settlement agreement, outlining the terms of their divorce.
  5. No Court Trials Required: No outstanding issues require a court trial to resolve.

In these scenarios, the court typically rubber-stamps the agreement presented as long as it deems the agreement to be fair and in line with Michigan law. It’s important to note that even in uncontested divorces, the parties must adhere to statutory waiting periods before the divorce can be finalized.

C. The process of an uncontested divorce in Michigan

  1. Filing a complaint: Like in a contested divorce, an uncontested divorce begins with one spouse filing a Complaint for Divorce (Michigan Court Rule 3.206).
  2. Serving the complaint: The plaintiff must serve the defendant with the divorce papers, providing them a chance to respond (Michigan Court Rule 2.107).
  3. Answer and waiver: The defendant signs an “answer” agreeing to the divorce and its terms and waives the right to be formally served. This waiver speeds up the process significantly.
  4. Waiting period: Even in uncontested divorces, Michigan law requires a waiting period. For couples without minor children, the period is 60 days. For those with minor children, it’s six months (Michigan Compiled Laws Section 552.9f).
  5. Final hearing: After the waiting period, a final hearing is scheduled, where the judge reviews and approves the agreed-upon terms, then issues a Judgment of Divorce.


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D. Pros and Cons of an uncontested divorce


  1. Cost-effective: Uncontested divorces typically incur fewer legal fees and court costs as the process is less complicated and shorter.
  2. Speed: Without lengthy negotiations or a trial, uncontested divorces are usually quicker.
  3. Less emotional stress: An uncontested divorce can be less adversarial, causing less emotional stress for all involved, including children.


  1. Imbalance in agreements: If one spouse needs to be fully informed about their rights or the couple’s finances, they may agree to terms that aren’t in their best interest.
  2. No recourse: Once the divorce is finalized, it can be challenging to change the agreed terms unless there’s a significant change in circumstances.

E. Case study/real-life example of an uncontested divorce

Consider the case of Sarah and James (names changed for privacy), a Michigan couple who decided to part ways after eight years of marriage. Their case was straightforward, without children or substantial joint assets to divide. Both agreed on the divorce and terms, making their case an ideal candidate for an uncontested divorce.

After filing the divorce complaint, Sarah served James with the papers, to which he readily agreed. They drafted a marital settlement agreement outlining the division of their minor joint assets and waiving any claims to spousal support.

They attended the final hearing after the 60-day waiting period (as they had no children). The judge reviewed their settlement agreement, found everything in order, and granted the divorce.

Their case exemplifies how uncontested divorces can be less stressful, faster, and more cost-effective when both spouses can agree on all terms of the divorce, avoiding prolonged court battles and minimizing the emotional toll that often accompanies a contested divorce.


The Impact on Involved Parties


A. Impact on the Spouses

The type of divorce a couple chooses to pursue can significantly impact both parties’ emotional and mental health. Contested divorces can lead to increased stress and anxiety due to the contentious nature of court battles, while uncontested divorces, though still challenging, often result in less hostility.

“Contested divorces can be drawn-out and emotionally draining, making it difficult for individuals to move on,” says Psychologist Dr. Sarah Allen. “Contrastingly, uncontested divorces offer a more peaceful resolution, aiding healing and future co-parenting relationships.”

B. Impact on Children, if any

Divorce can have profound effects on children. In contested divorces, where conflict is often high, children may experience more significant emotional distress and academic issues (Journal of Family Psychology, 2011). However, in an uncontested divorce, where parents can work amicably, the negative impact on children can be significantly reduced.

“The level of parental conflict during and after divorce is the single most important factor affecting children’s well-being,” states psychiatrist Dr. Robert Emery.

C. Financial Implications

Financially, contested divorces often increase legal fees due to extended court proceedings and more legal work. These costs can strain both parties’ finances. On the other hand, uncontested divorces typically cost less, as they involve fewer court appearances and less complex legal procedures. However, regardless of the divorce type, significant financial changes occur.

“Both parties must understand that divorce means transitioning from a joint economic household to two separate ones,” explains Certified Divorce Financial Analyst Jessica Smith. “This usually requires a lifestyle change and careful financial planning.”

D. Long-term effects

The long-term effects of divorce can vary depending on the divorce type and how well the couple manages the transition. Contested divorces can leave lingering feelings of animosity, making it harder for ex-spouses to interact positively, particularly in co-parenting scenarios. Uncontested divorces, where conflicts are resolved amicably, can result in healthier, cooperative relationships in the long run. However, each divorce is unique, and the long-term effects can be influenced by numerous factors, such as the couple’s emotional health, support systems, and financial stability.

As family therapist, Dr. Gail Saltz advises, “Post-divorce recovery takes time and self-care. Focusing on healing, growth, and the well-being of all involved is crucial, especially children.”

How to Choose Between Contested and Uncontested Divorce


A. Factors to Consider When Choosing

  • Level of Agreement: The more issues you and your spouse can agree on, the more likely an uncontested divorce may be viable.
  • The complexity of the Divorce Case: Complex cases involving significant assets, businesses, or contentious custody issues may require a contested process for adequate legal protection.
  • Relationship Dynamics: High conflict, abusive, or manipulative relationships may necessitate a contested divorce to ensure fair representation and protection for the less dominant party.
  • Financial Resources: Contested divorces are generally more expensive. An uncontested divorce may be the only feasible option if resources are limited.

B. Role of a Divorce Attorney in the Process

  • Legal Guidance: A divorce attorney can provide advice specific to your case and state laws (Michigan Rule of Professional Conduct 1.4).
  • Representation in Court: In a contested divorce, your attorney will represent your interests, presenting arguments and evidence on your behalf (Michigan Rule of Professional Conduct 1.3).
  • Negotiation and Mediation: Your attorney can negotiate terms with your spouse’s attorney or represent you during mediation (Michigan Rule of Professional Conduct 2.1).
  • Document Preparation: They can prepare and review all necessary legal documents, ensuring accuracy and completeness (Michigan Rule of Professional Conduct 1.1).

C. When Mediation or Alternative Dispute Resolution Might Be a Better Choice

  • Willingness to Collaborate: Mediation may be a good choice if both parties are open to negotiation and compromise.
  • The desire for Privacy: Mediation is private, unlike public court trials.
  • Interest in a Less Adversarial Process: Mediation is typically less contentious than court litigation.
  • Need for Cost Efficiency: Mediation can be less expensive than a full-blown court trial.

D. Tips for Making the Process Smoother Regardless of the Choice

  • Communication: Maintain open, respectful communication with your spouse. Remember, your shared goal is to finalize the divorce.
  • Legal Counsel: Even if it’s an uncontested divorce, consult with an attorney to understand your rights and responsibilities under Michigan law.
  • Focus on Children: If you have children, prioritize their needs and well-being in all decisions.
  • Self-Care: Divorce is a stressful process. Take care of your emotional health and seek support as needed.
  • Organization: Keep track of all documents, correspondence, and information about your divorce. Organized records can aid your case and save time.
  • Honesty: Be honest with your attorney about all aspects of your case. This will help them represent you effectively.

“A divorce is a major life decision, and the route you choose will significantly impact the process and outcome,” says experienced Michigan divorce attorney Rebecca Johnson. “Weigh your options carefully, and don’t hesitate to seek professional advice to ensure your interests are protected.”



A. Recap of the Important Points Covered in the Article

This article has provided an in-depth comparison of contested and uncontested divorces in Michigan. We began by defining divorce and its implications, then detailed the specifics of contested and uncontested divorces, including when each becomes applicable, the process, pros and cons, and real-life examples. We also discussed the impact of both types of divorce on the involved parties, such as emotional effects, financial implications, and the influence on children, if any. Lastly, we highlighted factors to consider when choosing between a contested and uncontested divorce, the role of a divorce attorney, alternative dispute resolutions, and tips to make the divorce process smoother.

B. Final Thoughts and Advice for Readers Going Through a Divorce

Whether contested or uncontested, divorce is a significant life event fraught with emotion and uncertainty. It’s essential to approach it with clear understanding, thoughtful consideration, and ample professional guidance. Remember that the path you choose should align with your circumstances and best serve your future interests and those of your children if involved.

As you navigate this challenging terrain, remember to take care of your emotional well-being and seek the support of trusted friends, family, or professional counselors. Educate yourself on your rights and obligations under Michigan law and consider all available options, including mediation and other forms of dispute resolution.

Remember, the goal is to emerge from the divorce process, ready to embark on the next chapter of your life. As difficult as this time may be, many people can build a happy, fulfilling life after divorce.

As renowned psychotherapist, Esther Perel often says, “The end of a marriage doesn’t mean the end of love, life, or happiness.”

